General Information:
All shown pictures -if not signed otherwise- belong to Sara Otterstätter. It is strictly prohibited to reuse the pictures for commercial or noncommercial purpose, without the permission of the illustrator. If you want to reblog the pictures on your blog or website, please let me know. Generally, I have no problem with it, as long, as you mention my name and/or set a link to this blog or my website:
Content of Your website and blog
When you want to link to my sites or works, please inform me about that and give me a link to your site.
In case the other content of Your blog or website, were you want to show my work, does not go along with my ethics (for example: The other content includes rassistic or violent and extremly pornographic material), I have the right to order the removal of my work from Your blog or website.
Thank you very much for your patience. :)
Sara Otterstätter